Solvent Stripping vs. Water-Based Stripping
Water-Based stripping products are very effective, however often paver floors will need solvent stripping to provide superior results. Ultimately each paver floor is unique and an owner’s expectations will dictate the exact procedure to follow.
These pavers are buried under years of grimy, aging, grayish wax. The finish is chipped, deeply scuffed and scratched. The owner wanted to spruce them up and liked the idea of a traditional "rustic" appearance. A perfect candidate for water-based stripping.
This paver floor looks great, just look at that color glow, however it is far from perfect. The grout lines are less than uniform and many tiles have streaks of old wax. Deep brown stains are evidence of the floor having once been colored or stained. This is most obvious to the right of the photo towards the base of the bed. This owner was astonished at how well it came out yet there are others that would have wanted better. Solvents could have greatly improved this floor but does it really need it? Only you can decide!
We'll perform a water-based paver strip on this one if you insist, but warn you, it will look very nice, but definitely not gorgeous. If you want better, we'll have to use solvent-based stripper. This owner convinced us to try the water-based process but switched to solvents shortly thereafter.
The area within the circle has been stripped with a very powerful water-based stripper. The cloudy, grayness is goneand the grout lines are much clearer. A much improved paver floor, however this process will NOT remove all of the existing sealer and finish. The remaining finish is trapping dirt and grime underneath it. Our owner was not sure at this point so we did a larger area: Next Photo
The upper half of this paver floor has been stripped with water-based stripper. Again the floor is much improved, however the grout lines are far from perfect and there are deep stains under a thin coat of floor finish that will NOT strip. This paver floor would look very nice once re-sealed and finished, but our owner has now decided to upgrade to a solvent-based stripper for an even better result!
Lower half of this photo illustrates solvent-based paver restoration. Notice that the floor is bright and clear. At this point there is very little of anything left on the paver surface. A second application of solvent-based stripper will clear the floor just a bit more and it will be ready to seal with your choice of sheen level, colorants or stains - acheiving an even better result than the original finish at the time of installation!
This paver floor has been restored and now coated with 5 coats of sealer and 4 coats of high sheen finish designed specifically for pavers. It will not yellow or gray with time and does not react to UV light. It is a superior coating in appearance and durability. We have no competitor that would even imagine of building such a finish!